
Rome, Italy, Coppedè, novembre, 2018 - District Coppedè fountain of the frogs

Alessandro Romagnoli

Quartiere Coppedè

Top choice in Rome

The compact Quartiere Coppedè, centering around the magnificent Piazza Mincio, is one of Rome's most extraordinary neighbourhoods. Conceived and built by the little-known Florentine architect, Gino Coppedè, between 1913 and 1926, it's a fairy-tale series of palazzos with Tuscan turrets, Liberty sculptures, Moorish arches, Gothic gargoyles, frescoed facades and palm-fringed gardens.

At the heart of the piazza, the whimsical froggy Fontana delle Rane is a modern take on the better known Fontana delle Tartarughe in the Jewish Ghetto.