
Must-see attractions in The Veneto

  • Facade of "Schola" (ie synagogue) "Levantine" (the XVIII cent.), In the Campo delle Scole ghetto of Venice

SOURCE: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Schola_levantina_Facciata.jpg

    Schola Levantina


    Sometimes called the Turkish Synagogue, the Schola Levantina was founded in 1541 as the first to serve the Ghetto's Sephardic community. Its renovated…

  • Chiesa dei Scalzi


    An unexpected outburst of baroque extravagance, this Longhena-designed church (built 1654–80) has a facade by Giuseppe Sardi that ripples with columns and…

  • Piazza dei Signori


    Verona's beautiful open-air salon is ringed by a series of elegant Renaissance palazzi. Chief among these are the Palazzo degli Scaligeri (aka Palazzo…

  • Chiesa di San Giorgio dei Greci


    Greek Orthodox refugees who fled to Venice from Turkey with the rise of the Ottoman Empire built this church in the 16th century, using taxes collected on…

  • Chiesa di San Pantalon


    It's not the prettiest from the outside, but the bald brick facade of this 17th-century church (rent by a concerning crack), doesn't give any indication…

  • Cimitero di San Michele

    Murano, Burano & the Northern Islands

    Until Napoleon established a city cemetery on this little island, Venetians had been buried in parish plots across town – not an ideal solution in a…

  • Museo Ebraico


    This museum explores the history of Venice’s Jewish community and showcases its pivotal contributions to Venetian, Italian and world history. Opened in…

  • Scuola Grande di San Marco


    Instead of simple father-son handyman projects, sculptor Pietro Lombardo and his sons had more ambitious goals: a high-Renaissance marble facade for the…

  • Chiesa di Santa Maria del Giglio


    Founded in the 9th century but almost completely rebuilt in the late 17th century, this church is distinguished by a series of six relief maps on its…

  • Parco Nazionale delle Dolomiti Bellunesi

    Veneto Dolomites

    Just over 17km northwest of Belluno, this magnificent national park offers trails for hikers of every level, wildflowers in spring and summer, and…

  • Chiesa di Santa Maria del Rosario


    Venetians have long memories, which is why this church is still called I Gesuati by locals despite the namesake religious order having been replaced by…

  • Palazzo della Ragione


    Ancient Padua can be glimpsed in elegant twin squares (one the fruit market, the other the vegetable market) separated by the triple-decker Gothic Palazzo…

  • Musei Civici agli Eremitani


    The ground floor of this monastery houses artefacts dating from Padua’s Roman and pre-Roman past, including some delicate glass, serviceable Roman…

  • Villa Pisani Nazionale

    The Veneto

    To keep hard-partying Venetian nobles in line, Doge Alvise Pisani provided a Versailles-like reminder of who was in charge. The 1774, 114-room Villa…

  • Basilica Palladiana


    Now a venue for world-class exhibitions, the Palladian Basilica is capped with an enormous copper dome reminiscent of the hull of a ship. The building,…

  • Museo del Gioiello


    Vicenza's expertise in jewellery dates back to 600 BC when the Vicentini were crafting clothing fasteners, called fibula. This museum celebrates that…

  • Orto Botanico


    Planted in 1545 by Padua University’s medical faculty to study the medicinal properties of rare plants, Padua’s World Heritage–listed Orto Botanico is the…

  • Scala Contarini del Bovolo


    Under the Republic, only the Church and state were permitted to erect towers, as the structures could conceivably be used for military purposes. In around…

  • Museo di Torcello

    Murano, Burano & the Northern Islands

    Occupying two buildings across the square from the Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta, this museum is dedicated to Torcello’s venerable history. The main…

  • Chiesa di Santa Maria Formosa


    Originally built as a thatch-roofed wooden church in the 7th century, Santa Maria Formosa was refashioned by Mauro Codussi in 1492 with new baroque curves…

  • Palazzo Chiericati


    Vicenza's civic art museum occupies one of Palladio’s finest buildings, designed in 1550. The ground floor, used for temporary exhibitions, is where you…

  • Villa Foscarini Rossi

    The Veneto

    Well-heeled Venetians wouldn’t have dreamed of decamping to the Brenta without their favourite cobblers, sparking a local tradition of shoemaking. Today,…

  • I Gesuiti


    Giddily over the top even by rococo standards, this glitzy 18th-century Jesuit church is difficult to take in all at once, with staggering white-and-green…

  • Piazza delle Erbe


    Originally a Roman forum, Piazza delle Erbe is ringed with buzzing cafes and some of Verona’s most sumptuous buildings, including the elegantly baroque…

  • Chiesa di San Lio


    Giandomenico Tiepolo sure knew how to light up a room. Duck into the atmospheric gloom of San Lio's baroque interior and, as your eyes adjust, look up at…

  • Museo Civico di Palazzo Fulcis


    Although Belluno’s Civic Museum has some 600 notable regional works of art, including some stunning canvases by local talent Sebastiano Ricci, the real…

  • Ponte Pietra


    At the northern edge of the city centre, this bridge is a quiet but remarkable testament to the Italians’ love of their artistic heritage. Two of the…

  • Chiesa di San Fermo


    At the river end of Via Leoni, Chiesa di San Fermo is actually two churches in one: Franciscan monks raised the 13th-century Gothic church right over an…

  • Duomo


    Built from a much-altered design of Michelangelo’s, the rather industrial facade and whitewashed symmetry of Padua's duomo is a far cry from its rival in…

  • Palazzo Franchetti


    This 16th-century palazzo (mansion) passed through the hands of various Venetian families before Archduke Frederik of Austria snapped it up and set about…

  • Scuola Grande della Misericordia


    One of Venice’s seven grand confraternities, the Misericordia was the seat of the wealthy silk weavers guild that commissioned this enormous classical…

  • Convento di San Francesco del Deserto

    Murano, Burano & the Northern Islands

    Franciscan friars offer free tours of their secluded island home, which still retains some of its 13th-century elements, including the first cloister. As…

  • La Pietà


    Originally called Chiesa di Santa Maria della Visitazione but fondly nicknamed La Pietà, this harmonious church designed by Giorgio Massari is known for…

  • Villa Widmann Rezzonico Foscari

    The Veneto

    To appreciate both gardening and Venetian-style social engineering, stop just west of Oriago at Villa Widmann Rezzonico Foscari. Originally owned by…

  • Santa Chiara – The Glass Cathedral

    Murano, Burano & the Northern Islands

    There are authentic glass factories on Murano offering cheaper demonstrations and turning out far finer work, but this furnace – housed within a…

  • Villa Freya

    The Veneto

    When she wasn’t exploring the furthest reaches of the Empty Quarter or negotiating with future Arab heads of state, legendary explorer and travel writer…

  • Villa Valmarana ‘ai Nani’


    From La Rotonda, a charming footpath leads about 500m to the neoclassical elegance of Villa Valmarana ‘ai Nani’, nicknamed after the 17 statues of dwarves…

  • Castello di Conegliano

    The Veneto

    Head up steep Calle Madonna della Neve, following an intact section of 13th-century defensive walls all the way to a summit, where the last remaining…

  • Chiesa di San Geremia


    This hefty-domed 18th-century church contains the body of St Lucy (Santa Lucia), one of the early church's most famous martyrs, who was killed in Syracuse…